
Fifth brussels php meetup, all about composer


22 Jul 2015




Hannes Van De Vreken

Hannes Van De Vreken

I am a Web developer working for madewithlove. I try to practise my speaking skills at meetups and conferences because I believe preparing a slide deck is the best way to thoroughly get to know a subject.

Course of the evening

Hour Program

Welcome & Food :


Comparing Composer :

This talk compares composer with npm, bower, bundler, pip, berkshelf,… and their ecosystems of packages. Compared to these, composer is excelling with some pretty awesome features. I will focus on the great advantages of composer. Things like virtual packages, custom scripts, calling static methods straight from composer.json, the replaces keyword, … Stuff that most people don’t know about because they don’t always have to use it, but it could help them if they would know about it. At last I will tell about what the packagist ecosystem can learn from other ecosystems, and what package developers can do to further improve it to become a more healthy ecosystem.



Closing and migration to the closest bar for the most motivated :

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